Fly Tipping Clearance in London

Fly Tipping doesn’t have to ruin your day

Our responsive team are available 24/7 to help with fly-tipping emergencies in London. Once you book our service we will get to your site as quickly as possible, with the removal and clearance of fly-tipping waste and take it to a licensed waste transfer station. We will always provide you with the documentation to prove that you have removed the rubbish responsibly.

Whether you need a field, an alley way or an entire warehouse clearing, we have a variety of vehicle sizes available to clear fly-tipped rubbish and get you back up and running quickly and cleanly.

We are committed to reducing landfill and only take rubbish, including rubbish which has been fly tipped, to transfer stations where it will be separated, sorted and sent to be recycled, disposed of safely (for fridges, freezers, tvs etc) or converted into renewable energy.

Booking a collection is easy, call our team on 0800 644 1248 for a quote, agree the price and arrange the time.

The Greenline way

Reliable collections,  same day and 24-hour collections available
Simple and clear pricing
Full audit trail
Landfill avoidance, we take our responsibility seriously – reuse, recycle and repurpose


Frequently asked fly tipping questions

  • Someone has fly-tipped on my land, what do I do?

    Unfortunately if rubbish has been dumped on your land it will now be your responsibility to pay for it to be removed. We understand how annoying fly-tipped rubbish is and will remove it and dispose of it quickly and cleanly to get you back operating as normal. We’ll also provide documentation to prove that you have removed the rubbish responsibly.

    It is helpful to report any fly-tipping to your local council so they can keep a record of incidences in your area.

  • Where does fly tipped waste come from?

    Depending on the amount of rubbish dumped it could be a house owner illegally dumping unwanted household items on your property or land. For larger dumps it is more likely to be an unlicensed removal and clearance company. reputable waste removal companies have to pay to dispose of waste. If a price seems to cheap you are right to be concerned. Always check that your rubbish is collected by a licensed waste carrier who can also prove that they have responsibly and correctly disposed of your rubbish.

  • How to report fly tipping?

    Report fly tipping to your local council. Ideally they need dates and times of when the items were dumped, photos of the fly tipping offence and any vehicle registrations or camera footage. All fly tipping is illegal.

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